Profesionalūs anglų kalbos kursai

Visų lygių anglų kalbos mokymai. IELTS ir TOEFL kursai.
Mokymai įmonių darbuotojams. Testavimo paslaugos.

Mūsų teikiamos paslaugos

Individualūs mokymai


Geriausiai atitinkantys individualius poreikius.

Individual attention

Mokymai dviems


Puiki alternatyva panašaus lygio draugams ar kolegoms

Excellent teaching

Mokymai mažose grupėse


Puikus kainos ir kokybės santykis

Great reputation

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Celebrating 17 years of Excellence,
Commitment and Passion

Established in 2007 and owned by language teaching professionals House of English is an independent language school providing quality language training services to private individuals, corporate clients and public servants with a very high degree of personal attention. 

The school is a member of local and European professional bodies. House of English also prides itself on being an official representative of one of the top ranked language schools in the UK.

In 2013 House of English was accredited by the Civil Service Department under the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania as a test centre providing language proficiency testing services for public servants.

The school runs a wide range of English language courses. Online teaching, testing and counseling services allow the school to provide its services to a wider audience including international students. With a strong emphasis on adult education, today House of English is one the most reputable language schools in Lithuania specializing in exam preparation. In addition to group and one-to-one exam preparation courses, the school has been offering free consulting services for students, university graduates, young professionals and everybody interested in internationally recognized language examinations (Cambridge Exams, IELTS and TOEFL).

The reputation of House of English has been built on a foundation of commitment, passion and academic excellence.

working for You


„The course I attended fully met my expectations. I have never seen such hard working and dedicated people before. Moreover, I could say that as far as I and my friends know these are the best IELTS courses in Vilnius, and I will definitely recommend them to others. My achievements would have been impossible without Your great work, admiration and patience.“
Liepa Ž.
Overall band score: 7.0
Norėčiau padėkoti už visą jūsų skirtą laiką pamokos ir ne pamokos metu. Jūs nuostabi. Labai džiaugiuosi pasirinkęs šiuos kursus. Nors iš pradžių atrodė, kad pirkau katę maiše, tačiau mano lūkesčius pateisino 110%. Neneigsiu, kad buvo sudėtinga, tačiau jau tokiame amžiuje (22) suprantu, kad jeigu dabar sunku – ateityje visada būna lengviau. Aš pats esu planuotojas, todėl buvo labai malonu išvysti žmogų, kurio pamokos buvo sustyguotos minutė į minutę. Mano nuomone, kursai, tempo ir informacijos atžvilgiu, yra geri, tačiau gali būti daugiau laiko skiriama kalbėjimui.
Overall Score: 7.0
"I gained so much confidence in my ability to connect and deepen my relationships with people. It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors."
Overall Score: 6.0
This course was brilliant, it went far beyond my expectations. It was difficult at first with such a huge load of homework but I quickly got used to it and writing essays 3 times a week became a routine:) I was very lucky to be a part of a group of wonderful people and to have an extraordinary teacher in front of us. Going to your lectures was a pleasure, I especially loved the fact that the atmosphere was always warm and never stressful. I also want to thank you for your energy and kindness, it really made me feel welcome. I certainly have a lot of positive memories about this course.
Overall Score: 8.0
f you are expecting to hear some complaints about the course, I will have to disappoint you, because I cannot think of one. Actually, during the course I used to think that I was doing something more than just learning English. I enjoyed watching how you were talking about life-related things when teaching, for instance, grammar. I guess only true professionals are able to do that – balance everything out, so that students didn’t stress too much. Although after the course I understood I am still not good enough at english, I believe that encouraged me to endeavour more. This is what I definitely cherish. And of course, I feel that this course was absolutely worth spending money on. Thank you for your devotion and efforts.
Overall Score: 8.0
Honestly, knowing that you have far more students than just me, I wouldn’t have probably believed if someone told me that you would correct an essay or a description after every single lesson. That’s tones of work, I assume. Of course, I was ready to work and had high expectations. Now, after the course has ended, I am happy to say that I received a lot more than expected. Seeing a lecturer who is so dedicated to his/her work as you, gave me additional motivation to learn and seek for improvement. I am very thankful for the example you have showed me.
Warmest thanks for you and for your great work on Saturday mornings. It was more than I expected and I appreciate the great knowledge you offered and shared with all of us. Those few months were really active, fully planned and quite difficult especially for me because I combined both job and classes, but I am satisfied with the results I achieved during this short period of time. I believe no matter what the results will be the course was useful for me and your great lectures helped me to remember and improve my English skills.
Overall Score: 6.0

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Išsiaiškiname poreikius
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Aptariame sąlygas
Mokymų trukmę ir intensyvumą, kursų tipą ir mokymosi būdą, apmokėjimo už paslaugas sąlygas.
Nustatome kalbos žinių lygį
Tai vienas iš svarbiausių etapų, pareikalausiantis šiek tiek Jūsų brangaus laiko. Kuo tiksliau žinosime Jūsų lygį, tuo tiksliau parinksime mokomąją medžiagą ir rekomeduosime tikslingiausius mokymus.
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