
Overall Score: 7.0

Norėčiau padėkoti už visą jūsų skirtą laiką pamokos ir ne pamokos metu. Jūs nuostabi. Labai džiaugiuosi pasirinkęs šiuos kursus. Nors iš pradžių atrodė, kad pirkau katę maiše, tačiau mano lūkesčius pateisino 110%. Neneigsiu, kad buvo sudėtinga, tačiau jau tokiame amžiuje (22) suprantu, kad jeigu dabar sunku – ateityje visada būna lengviau. Aš pats esu planuotojas, todėl buvo labai malonu išvysti žmogų, kurio pamokos buvo sustyguotos minutė į minutę.

Mano nuomone, kursai, tempo ir informacijos atžvilgiu, yra geri, tačiau gali būti daugiau laiko skiriama kalbėjimui.


Overall Score: 6.0

It was honour to study and prepare for IELTS with you. I know that sometimes I wasn’t good enough or didn’t improve some skills but I was trying and I will be trying to do my best in the future. I am definitely sure that you were one of the best teachers in my life. I loved your passion and dedication. You were such an inspiration for me.


Overall Score: 7.0

I was 100% satisfied with the course. It may sound crazy but classes were not boring at all and I could not wait for every upcoming class. The teacher was like a pearl. You could not ask for anything better and I’m disappointed that we don’t have teachers like her in regular schools.

The biggest challenge was probably the piles of homework, but after all these sufferings I’m happy with my achievements.


Overall Score: 7.5

To be honest, I have a short list of people, whom I consider to be especially great educators, and I am really happy that it extended after your courses.:) I have noticed that these teachers have many features in common. Those, which I consider to be the most important ones, are the perception of the huge volume of exercise needed to improve, professional attitude to their subject and sincere dedication to contribute to the students’ progress. I would never recommend you to change any of that.:) Even though I believe criticism is extremely valuable, it is truly hard for me to think of any advice, because I feel a huge advancement of my English skills and it is difficult to imagine a better English language course. The only thing I could complain about is deadlines, but, I suppose, that is a form of whining.:)

Overall Score: 6.5

It was a big pleasure to meet such a motivated teacher as you. During the very first lesson I thought that I would not make it just because of the amount of homework. But I proved myself that everything is possible if you truly want that. If every teacher was like you,I think Lithuania would be the land of geniuses.

Overall Score: 8.5

To be honest, I am really happy with the classes I took for those 1.5 months. Not only they were really concentrated, informative and helped me tremendously in the exam, but I also did not feel like I was struggling or forcing myself to attend the classes. Usually when students come home from school all tired and with plenty of homework to do, the last thing they want to do is to go to some IELTS class and sit there for two hours. With your classes, it was probably the first such course I have taken that I did not feel that way. And the main reason for that, I think, is that the classes were kind of laid-back and had a nice and friendly atmosphere, I did not feel any pressure from you as a teacher as well as from other students, the whole environment was quite informal which made me feel like this course was light yet informative and useful. Honestly, I did not expect that at the beginning, but now it’s no wonder that everyone I know who have taken this particular course praises House of English and undoubtedly recommends it to others. Having said that, I want to thank you one last time for everything you have given us and wish you all the best for the future 🙂

Overall Score: 6.5

It was a very useful and informative course. Intense, lots of homework,
but in the end it was worth it. I believe that learning by repetition
allows people develop skills even if they have very hard time learn something.
I actually was surprised that my English wasn’t as bad as I thought.
I do like a lot classroom atmosphere and layout. I mean that is not like standard
classroom with separated tables and stuff.

Overall Score: 8.5

Jei atvirai, niekada nesvajojau apie tokį rezultatą, esu be galo laimingas. Jūsų pamokos tikrai buvo nepamatuojamos vertės ir visa Jūsų pagalba, rūpestis ir pastangos dėl mūsų turbūt ir atspindi šį skaičių 🙂

Kalbant apie pačias pamokas, pasakysiu Jums tai, apie ką šnekėjomės ir su draugais. Šie mėnesio trukmės kursai man (ir turbūt ne man vienam) toli gražu nebuvo koncentruoti tik į anglų kalbą, jie buvo sutelkti į mūsų mąstymo ugdymą ir geresnį savo minčių išreiškimą. Visas žodynas, gramatinės struktūros man tik geriau padėjo pasakyti tai, ką turiu galvoje. Pamokos taip pat padėjo išmokti aiškiau reikšti savo mintis, dėstyti argumentus. Paskutinis dalykas, paskatintas šių kursų, buvo patirtas po kokių 2-3 savaičių kursuose: tai anglų kalbos grožio suvokimas. Vieną akimirką tiesiog supratau, kaip iš tikrųjų malonu yra klausyti ir skaityti aiškiai ir subtiliai dėstomas mintis, kitaip sakant, anglų kalba peržengė mokomosios disciplinos ribas. Atvirai sakau, jog jokių priekaištų Jums tikrai neturiu. Esu dėkingas Jums už asmeninį rūpestį kiekvienu iš mūsų 🙂

Overall Score: 7.5

The whole course was great! I did not expect that it will be so joyful! Although a huge pile of homework shocked me at first, it was later quite ridiculously funny to receive so much of it:) It has also greatly influenced my English in a good way in such a short period of time. I also liked that coffee break before Christmas, definitely a very nice touch. ;).I obviously rate the whole course 10/10!

Overall Score: 8.0

Didelis ačiū už profesionalumą ir žinias. Jūsų sugebėjimas valdyti laiką ir mokinius man paliko didžiulį įspūdį.

Šiandien aš skraidau padebesiais, nes pagaliau pasiekiau overall band 8.0 ir kiekviena užduotis ne mažiau 7.0. Nuostabus jausmas, kai daug pasėjus yra ką nupjauti.


Overall Score: 8.0

Apie pačius kursus galiu atsiliepti tik teigiamai. Neadekvatu aišku yra lyginti rezultatus, nes visi žmonės yra skirtingi, tačiau kas lankė kursus House of English, pasirodė geriau negu mano pažįstami ėję kursus kitose įstaigose. Tiesa pasakius, aš jau kiek ilgiuosi jų lankymo, nes laikas visai neprailgdavo. Nepamenu kada lankiau kažką susijusį su mokslu ir laikas prabėgdavo taip greitai ir smagiai. Esate puiki mokytoja bei mokate sukurti puikią atmosferą. Tikrai nesistengiu gražbyliauti, kadangi to labai nemėgstu. Taigi, ačiū jum už viską!:)



I remember you saying we would not learn English at the beginning of the course. We would only become prepared for the IELTS test. However, I must say it was a lie; I did learn far more than promised.

Last week I was in Cambridge University since I was invited for an interview. When I was talking to the people there I noticed I was using some words and forms I hadn’t known before the course. Naturally, I felt more confident while speaking. I remember being scared to talk in another language because it meant stepping out of my comfort zone. But you always supported us and allowed us to make mistakes and that really contributed to me being able to speak and actually enjoy it. I am very grateful for that. I really enjoyed the structure of the course too. You taught us so many things and shared your experiences, that is what made the course so interesting.


Overall Score: 7.0

So first of all , I just wanted to say thank you for everything that you’ve done for me and all of the students that you’ve taught.To be honest , I have never imagined , that I would try as hard as I did in every homework task that you gave me, during the lessons and overall in the period of the last 2 months. The thing is that I wasn’t that type of student who always does all of the homework and tries to do the best , but you, Jolanta, have changed my approach towards learning, prioritizing things, and developing myself as a person. The thing that surprises me the most, is that you were I’d say very “open -hearted”. What I mean by that is that you have dedicated a lot of yourself just to improve us, your students. You communicated with us very kindly, as if we were your students for a long time, and that motivated me a lot because I did not want to disappoint you and say that I did not finish my homework, forgot my papers at home and etc. I will still do my best not only for myself but also for you, just to make you feel proud of me. I am very thankful for every single minute that you have sacrificed correcting my writing tasks, listening to me and overall, helping with any question that I had. Frankly, you are the best teacher that I have ever had in my life and I just want to thank you for everything. I hope you are feeling the same way.


Overall Score: 8.0

This course was brilliant, it went far beyond my expectations. It was difficult at first with such a huge load of homework but I quickly got used to it and writing essays 3 times a week became a routine:) I was very lucky to be a part of a group of wonderful people and to have an extraordinary teacher in front of us. Going to your lectures was a pleasure, I especially loved the fact that the atmosphere was always warm and never stressful. I also want to thank you for your energy and kindness, it really made me feel welcome. I certainly have a lot of positive memories about this course.


Overall Score: 7.5

The course was without a doubt beneficial. Your tips given were amazing, I mean it. You helped us a lot. You were strict and kind at the same time – that’s adorable:)
I am very grateful for your help! 🙂

The classes were without a doubt beneficial. As IELTS test is very technical, the tips given by the lecturer were essential. The course helped me to (i) understand the structure of the test; (ii) get acquainted with the variety of tasks that may be expected and (iii) understand what the examiner expects from me.

Be prepared for tons of homework every week ! That was exhausting, but very uselful.


This English course was actually perfect. You are the best English teacher I have ever met. Your explanations were very clear and practical. You kept correct pace during the lesson, no chance to relax and I liked it so much. Especially, I enjoyed the grammar tips and reading texts that were very interesting to me. Of course your jokes and small stories were as a cherries on the cake.

This course 100% met my expectations and even more. Honestly, I did not believe it will be so interesting.

I hope teachers like you will never disappear off the face of this earth as nothing can replace the sincerity that we are getting from our masters.

Overall Score: 6.0

The courses, which I have been attending for 2 month, were way beyond my expectations. I am really glad that I chose your school because of a few main reasons. Firstly, I received all the necessary information and still have all the worksheets, so the only one person to blame if something goes wrong is myself because I really got much more information than expected, and during those 2 month I learnt more than in last 4 years at school. So now it is all about putting my effort to get a good score in the exam.. The second reason is the fact that You do care about your job. It obvious how much do You care about students, and for that reason for the first time I got a feeling that I want to get a good grade not because it is going to influence my future or smth, but also knowing that you will be happy about it. I am really happy that I was your student for that short period, and I am delighted that your dedication and small praises helped me to gain knowledge and inspiration. Even small gifts like a hazelnut (which is in front of me right now  :D) from person like you, really means a lot to me, and motivates me even when I lose hope.  The time with you was really great and I don’t have any complains about it.For the best teacher, not the best student.

Overall Score: 6.5

The IELTS course fully met my expectations and I strongly believe that if I had not attended to lectures, I would not prepared properly for IELTS exam. You gave amazing tips and tricks for reading and listening parts and there was no needless information. Also, we wrote many essays and graphs and I think that it had a positive impact on my writing proficiency. The atmosphere at your lectures was perfect! Thank you for your efforts and knowledge you shared with us.


Overall Score: 6.5

Man labai daug ką davė kursai ir per 2 mėnesius aš išmokau daugiau nei per 10 metų mokykloje. Iš egamino surinkau 6.5 ir manau, kad nėra taip blogai.

Overall Score: 8.0

If you are expecting to hear some complaints about the course, I will have to disappoint you, because I cannot think of one. Actually, during the course I used to think that I was doing something more than just learning English. I enjoyed watching how you were talking about life-related things when teaching, for instance, grammar. I guess only true professionals are able to do that – balance everything out, so that students didn’t stress too much. Although after the course I understood I am still not good enough at english, I believe that encouraged me to endeavour more. This is what I definitely cherish. And of course, I feel that this course was absolutely worth spending money on.

Thank you for your devotion and efforts.



Honestly, knowing that you have far more students than just me, I wouldn’t have probably believed if someone told me that you would correct an essay or a description after every single lesson. That’s tones of work, I assume. Of course, I was ready to work and had high expectations. Now, after the course has ended, I am happy to say that I received a lot more than expected. Seeing a lecturer who is so dedicated to his/her work as you, gave me additional motivation to learn and seek for improvement. I am very thankful for the example you have showed me.

Overall Score: 8.0

To begin with, I truly enjoyed the course! Since it was quite intensive, I felt like every lesson, every minute of this preparation course had a purpose and was useful to me. At first, getting so much homework was a bit challenging but later I got used to it and understood that it was necessary in order to prepare properly for the exam. Thank You so much for all your efforts! Especially I loved that You were a demanding teacher and encouraged us to work hard and do our best. The course has given me valuable experience as well as helped me to improve my English skills. Thank You once again for everything 🙂


I found the course very interesting and inspirational for my further studies not only in English but in other subjects as well. Honestly, I enjoyed every minute of your classes not only because of materials, methodologies and various tasks, but also because of your inspiring personality.:)))

Overall Score: 6.5

Overall, this course was a surprisingly enjoyable experience to me. I liked the intensity and the variety of tasks we managed to complete.I think you are a great teacher and I was really impressed by some of your methods such as the comparison of a listening test with tight rope walking or that page which we had to leave empty.


It was my pleasure to study in such great atmosphere you created around us. I have to admit I was quite sad when I understood that it is over and there will be no more lessons. Such positive feelings related to education rarely come to me. I enjoyed that time a lot.

I am really thankful for everything that you have taught us. I feel I have improved my English skills more than at school over two years or even more. The course was certainly not easy, but it was absolutely beneficial. You gave us more than we could have imagined to get ready for the IELTS. Also, because of you, I have improved my personality. One of the most important advice given by you was that we must know how to manage our time. I started to think about it not only before and during tests, but in daily life too and I am pretty sure this is your impact. Another thing that I have learnt is stubbornness and belief that no one can do anything for you and all that you want to pursue in life, all your life goals can only be reached by yourself. You made me understand that no one is forcing me to do my homework and study, I have to do it because I need it. The course has made a huge influence on both my English and my personality.

Your course was great as well as you. In my opinion, there should be more such teachers and I am completely honest about that. Thank you! 🙂

Overall Score: 6.5

I’m writing you from Turkey to tell you that I scored 6.5 in the IELTS exam!!!!! Thank you for all your work and patience, you are definitely one of the best teachers I have ever had.
The IELTS exam was difficult, especially the writing tasks.

Overall Score: 6.5

Thank you again for your help preparing for IELTS exam. Your job was a great part of my success.

Thank you!

Eszter (a student from Hungary)
Overall Score: 7.0

I wanted to say you that I really enjoyed your lessons. During these two months I really learned a lot. You are a motivating person, full of energy, you care about every student. I was satisfied with everything. Previously I only studied English in high school for four years, we were of B1 level when we finished high school. Now I am C1 thanks to you and those dummy series in English what I watched restlessly. 🙂 Thank you for everything!

Overall Score: 7.0

Rasysiu lietuviskai, nes taip patogiau:)) labai dziaugiuosi tiek paciai kursais, tiek Jumis kaip mokytoja, buvo ir smagu, ir idomu, ir labai efektyvu, bei naudinga:) Labai aciu!

Overall Score: 6.0

Warmest thanks for you and for your great work on Saturday mornings. It was more than I expected and I appreciate the great knowledge you offered and shared with all of us.

Those few months were really active, fully planned and quite difficult especially for me because I combined both job and classes, but I am satisfied with the results I achieved during this short period of time. I believe no matter what the results will be the course was useful for me and your great lectures helped me to remember and improve my English skills.

Overall Score: 7.5

Today I received my exam results (speaking 7, writing 6.5, reading 7.5, listening 8.5, overall 7.5) and I just wanted to thank You for all Your help and patience during the lessons. I really enjoyed the IELTS course because all the lessons were interesting and the atmosphere was so friendly and encouraging to study hard in order to achieve my goal (actually I was dreaming about getting 6.5 as the overall score so the result really surprised me. Thank You very much for helping me improve my English and pass IELTS exam! 🙂

Overall Score: 8.0

Ačiū už pagalbą.

Agnė – Gavau 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Overall Score: 8.0

Overall Score: 6.5

One month has passed since I started taking these English lessons and have never regretted it.

All my life has been influenced by the English language and at school English was my favourite subject. Though when I first took Ielts mock exam, I realized that I know so little.

Your classes were much more interesting and challenging in comparison with the ones I had at school. Thank you for all the efforts while teaching me these new skills.

Overall Score: 7.0

Thank you for everything!
I really enjoyed the course. Surely the main reason was a very good teacher.
It is a rare case when you feel no tension at all before the lesson.
And it is really nice to feel that in those two months I had learnt more than in my whole 4 years at gymnasium.
The atmosphere during Your lessons was so friendly and cosy:) I wish I had more teachers like You:)

Overall Score: 6.5

After about a month of working with class I am feeling quite well: more confident about the tasks, techniques and requirements. I should also say that atmosphere was really nice, especially at the end of classes. Although it was a bit strange to hear that our teacher calls us with respectful “You” (like Ms. or somethingJ) because we were much younger. The teaching programme was nice and organised: exact topics, tips, tasks or exercises. However, a big pile of papers looked funny at first, after some time it was slightly annoying. Perhaps the biggest difficulty was to find a way to organize all the papersJ.

Also, I am glad that we had a teacher with experience. It seemed that You know many things about IELTS and, so we could feel that we were in good hands. Also, many thanks for correcting essays even if we were late and had ridiculous excuses.

Thank You again for valuable help.

Eglė M.
Overall Score: 7.0

Tūkstantis dėkui už pagalbą!

Eglė S.
Overall Score: 7.0

Such productive lessons are not very common in my experience. Over the past few months I probably learned more about English than I have over all those years at school.

Thanks a lot

Eglė M.
Overall Score: 7.0

Personally I am very happy about what I have learnt since the first lesson with you. I got more than I had expected!! The course was really great!

What about the exam? I felt really comfortable with it. Although I felt nervous before the speaking part, when I had to talk, it was great because the examiner was a very kind person and I felt very good with him. Another day when I had my full IELTS exam I felt much better than I had expected. In my opinion, I did well enough. I finished all the tasks. It was really unexpected because I was used to the fact that under pressure I am usually short of time. However, I finished all the reading tasks before the time limit reached the end. Writing was pretty good too, I think.

Overall band score: 7.5

I admit that I was a bit nervous when I came to the first lesson. However, that feeling soon faded because the atmosphere was quite relaxed and no pressure was felt. I am not saying that we were allowed to laze about – certainly not. The pace at which we were taught was quite fast but it only required some concentration to keep up.

The proof for that could be the ammounts of homework we got 🙂 Although, I did expect more after you said that we were not going to have much free time left. I suppose the ammount was reasonable – enough to keep us busy for at least two hours but not so much as to take up the whole evening.

All in all, this course was very useful. I had an idea to just take the exam without signing up for any lessons. However, I see very clearly now that if I hadn’t done that my results would be far from at least satisfactory.

Thank you very much for helping me improve my English, especially the speaking part 🙂

Gabrielė S.
Overall Score: 7.5

I’m extremely happy,
because I expected the result to be lower:) Thank you for your help –
the course definitely helped to achieve such scores! Now I’m looking
forward to hear something from universities I’ve chosen. I hope they
won’t ask higher bands! PS. I decided to apply to English language

I just wanted to thank you once more and say that these 2 months had
passed very quickly…At first it was rather complicated to get involved in all those
unusual tasks and I was surprised that you had been so demanding (but
it’s a compliment – because nowadays a lot of teachers just do their
work and don’t care much if a student is improving as a course goes on
or not).

You are in love with your job (I feel so…) and probably that’s why you
are so dedicated to it (it’s hard to find a teacher who corrects tests
so quickly despite of having to do that at 5 a.m.
So, all in all, I’ve definitely learnt a lot and I couldn’t imagine
taking IELTS without such courses! It’s always nice to have a teacher
who is prepared for classes, who is a professional and responsible


Overall band score: 6.5

Ačiū jums labai už viską 🙂 Dar karta dėkoju Jums už pamokas, kurios tikrai jaučiu padėjo man pagerinti anglų žinias 🙂


Ieva M.
Overall Score: 7.5

I really enjoyed the course. Actually, I felt a little sad when it was over 🙂 There were huge amounts of material to deal with, but somehow they turned out to be quite manageable 🙂 I enjoyed the course itself, the group, the atmosphere. I missed only one thing (maybe I mentioned it before) – full speaking practise tests. For me, they would have been very useful.

Thank you very much 🙂


Thank you for your patience, for your hard work and really interesting English lessons. I will remember you and I will recommend you for other people.

Overall Score: 6.0

Gavau siandien rezultatus, deja ne tokius kokius norejau, bet manau kad pakankamai gerus. Is klausymo 7, is readingo 5,5 (labai pasitikejau savimi ir spejau perrasyti tik ~ 25 atsakymus – galvojau, kad perspes kai liks 3 ar 1 min 🙂 ) is writing dalies gavau 5.5 (turbut gramatiskos klaidos ar zodziu kiekis 🙁 ) ir kas mane labai nustebino tai speaking gavau 6, nors su monologu supainiojau stending in the queue ir pasakiau in the crowd ir padariau didele pauze 🙂 overall 6 🙂 Esu labai dekingas, kad taip gerai paruosete 🙂



Norėjau padėkot už Ielts kursus.Tikrai nesigaliu,kad pas jus ejau:) Visos pamokos buvo labai įdomios it tikrai įgijau nemažai žinių, na žinoma link galo kursų šiek tiek pavargau,bet jūsų entuziazmas kažkaip padėjo mokytis:) Noriu pasakyti,kad labiau žaviuosiu jumis,nes labai atsakingai žiūrite į darbą ir matosi, kad Jums jis patinka, o tai yra svarbiausia:)


Overall band score: 6.5

Šeštadieniniai kursai buvo mūsų išsigelbėjimas. Galimybės važinėti darbo dienomis neturėjome, todėl kursai savaitaglį buvo labai patogus pasirinkimas. Krūvis pats tas, ir laiko viskam užteko. Kurso medžia buvo labai gerai susiteminta ir laiks puikiai išnaudotas. Jokio Nuovargio po paskaitų. O gauta informacija buvo labai naudinga. Jei ne kursai abejoju ar būčiau išlaikius. Tą ką išmokau ir dabar laisvai naudoju ir tai tikrai gelbėja, net ir pamokų mokykloje metu. Esu labai dėkinga už tai.

Overall band score: 6.5

Visų pirmiausia galiu pasakyti, kad nuėjus į egzaminą pagalvojau: „o ne, gal aš ne tam lygyje sėdžiu?“, nes užduotys buvo tikrai lengvesnės nei tikėjomės. Ir aišku tikras malonumas taip galvoti per egzaminą, todėl jei manęs kas paprašytų patarimo, tikrai rekomenduočiau lankyti kursus prieš egzaminą:)

Iš pradžių buvo sunku, krūvis tikrai išgąsdino po pirmos paskaitos namų darbų uždavimo, pamenu ir nespėjau pirmą kartą parašyti rašinio laiku. Todėl žmogus tikrai turi būti pasiryžęs tam skirti daugiausiai laiko. Aišku, paskui viskas pasiteisino. O kai išmokom dirbti, kad spėtume, viskas buvo gerai.

Rekomenduojant šeštadieninius kursus, galiu pasakyti, kad:

1) tai netrukdo kitų dienų savaitėje.

2) gali įvertinti visos savaitės krūvį (mokykloje) ir nuspręsti, kuriomis dienomis užsiimsi IELTS’u, kad tai netrukdytų kitiems darbams.

3) nevietiniams tai puiki proga aplankyti sostinę (jaunimas iš mažesnių miestų dažnai neturi tokių pramogų kaip Vilniuje)!

4) bent mums iš Anykščių tai sutaupė ir pinigų ir laiko. Daug.

Kursas tikrai atitiko lūkesčius, tai labiausiai išaiškėjo per egzaminą, kaip jau minėjau. Egzamine nebuvo nieko, ko būtume nežinoję.

Paskaitų laikas išnaudotas labai puikiai, buvo konkretus darbas, be jokių nukrypimų (pokalbių) į šoną. Na, bent tokių, kurie trukdytų darbui:)

Šiaip jau kartais tikrai sudėtinga buvo tiek laiko išlaikyti dėmesį, todėl hm. Net nežinau, bet turbūt norėčiau nors šiek tiek ilgesnės pertraukos arbatos gėrimui (už kurią labai ačiū!). Arba galbūt galėtų būti dvi pertaukėlės:)

Studentams galėčiau patarti, kad svarbiausia yra pla-nuo-ti savo laiką. Ir viskas bus gerai:) ir dar atsinešti valgyti:))) (ir penktadienį grįžti namo iki 00:00 che:)

Aš esu labai labai dėkinga jūsų kursams ir jei reiktų rinktis darkart, tai vėl daryčiau tą patį – į egzaminą be kursų neičiau:)


Marija U.
Overall band score: 7.0

Egzamino rezultatai atitiko mano lūkescius ir,svarbiausia,reikalavimus. Buvau labai patenkinta mokymo kokybe ir uzduociu gausa. “House of English” igytos zinios labai padejo ruosiantis egzaminui. Mokytoja Jolanta yra savo darbo profesionale bei supazindino mane su ivairiausiomis smulkmenomis netgi ir per labai trumpa laika.

Overall band score – 6.5

Overall band score: 7.5

I’m very grateful for all your help towards achieving such a high band score from IELTS exam.

Paulius M.
Overall – 6.0

Paulius N.
Overall band: 6.5

I got 6.5. That’s perfect, because I needed 6! It was my pleasure be your student and I would like to say thank you for everything. I enjoyed time working with you and I shoud say that the course definitely met my expectations and learned a lot!

Povilas J.
Overall band score: 7.0

Rezultatu esu daugiau negu patenkintas. Didelis ačiū už paruošimą!

Overall band score: 7.0

I think you are one of the most interesting teachers I have ever had. And you have very strange personality (in a good way). Thanks again, for your dedication and time. All in all, I am very glad that I met you and I hope to get in touch sometimes 🙂

Rūta K.
Overall band score: 7.5

Per tuos rūpesčius taip ir pamiršau jums parašyti ir beprotiškai padekoti!!!!!!!!! Gavau 7,5!!!!!! dziaugiuosi beprotiskai 🙂

Rūta K.
Overall: 7.5

The IELTS course was beyond my expectations. Actually, I cannot think of any negative feedback now. It was really professional, accurate, no needless information, only the most important things. The given handouts were very helpful too. I really liked the fact that I knew the deadlines for our homework as it was easier to plan my time. In addition, the atmosphere in the lessons was warm, no stress or pressure. I believe that every student got an equal amount of attention and should be grateful for the knowledge you shared with us.

Thank you for your hard work and good energy!!!

Overall: 6.5

Labiausiai bijojau klausymo, o geriausiai gavosi 🙂
Ačiū, mokytoja, uz darba!!! 🙂



Man kursai sestadieniais tiko, nes likdavo dar ir sekmadienis padirbeti, nors derinant su laisvalaikiu, galbut sekmadienis butu dar parankesne diena, nes paprastai budavo sunku suspeti visas uzduotis padaryti, nes ir mokykloje pakankamai uzduoda namu darbu ir dar, aisku, mums pasilinksminti svarbu penktadieni. 4 Valandas issedeti ir isisavinti informacija, kuria davete nebuvo labai sudetinga, nes buvo didelis noras pasiimti kuo daugiau, manau, kad cia netgi pliusas, nes viena info siejasi su kita ir tada paprasciau ja ismokti. Is tikruju medziaga, pagal kuria mokemes buvo, man asmeniskai, labai naudinga. Kadangi uzduotis gaudavom nuo lengviausiu iki pakankamai sunkiu, tai pati egzamina buvo nesunku islaikyti, nes uzduotys buvo gal tokios, kaip jau puse kursu pralankius gaudavom. Manau, kad isnaudojant maksimaliai, tai, ka gavom pas jus, butu imanoma islaikyti ir dar geriau, nei mes islaikem. Sistema man buvo priimtina, nors kruvis ir didelis. Paskaitu laikas tikrai buvo efektyviai isnaudotas (nes net ir pertraukele nuo 20 min sutrumpedavo iki 10:)), tik, manau, nepakankamai ruosemes kalbejimui. Galbut tai dar ir nuo grupes priklauso, bet kartais visai paranku butu kalbeti pvz vienas asmuo pries visus, daug sudetingiau suvaldyti stresa, bet eiti pas egzaminatoriu dar baisiau, todel butu gera praktia “saltas dusas” beveik.

Na, norintiems lankyti kursus sestadieniais pasiulyciau nusiteikti padeti i sali tusus ir laisvalaiki, tingeti tikrai nebus kada, reikia labai rimtai planuoti savo laika ir pradeti pratintis sugebeti per trumpa laika atsiplaiaduoti ir pailseti. As asmeniskai dazniausiai viena diena per savaite neidavau i mokykla ir ruosdavau IELTS namu darbus, kitaip net ir fiziskai nesugebejau suspeti.

Vaida M.

I just wanted to thank you for all wonderful lessons.

This course gave me an opportunity to improve my English skills, especially in writing and speaking tasks. Of course, you made the atmosphere in the class more relaxed, so I believe that everyone had really great time.

Overall Band: 7.5

Esu be galo patenkinta dėstytojo suteiktomis praktinėmis ir teorinėmis žiniomis. Prieš pradėdama mokytis „House of English“ maniau be galo gerai mokanti angliškai, bet besimokant supratau, kad praktinių įgūdžių man akivaizdžiai trūko. Esu be galo dėkinga, jog mokytojas vos per du mėnesius padėjo išlavėti tiek, kad galiu girtis tokiais rezultatais.

Overall band: 7

Kursus vertinu gerai, tik mano nuomone reiktų didesnį dėmesį skirti rašymo daliai.

Overall band: 7,5

Jūsų mokyklos kursai man asmeniškai tikrai buvo labai naudingi: gavau daug reikalingos informacijos, egzamino užduočių pavyzdžių ir t.t. Taip pat nuo mokyklos laikų buvo labai malonu ir naudinga vėl “pasitreniruoti” in speaking 🙂

Overall band: 7.5

Bendrai IELTS parengiamaisiais kursais esu labai patenkinas ir manau, kad jie tikrai naudingi. Dėstytojas Nikas irgi geras.

Overall band: 7

Kursais esu labai patenkinta, mokytojas Nickas yra puikus specialistas ir, matosi, puiki asmenybė. Man patiko organizuotumas, tiek pačios mokyklos, tiek ir dėstytojo pamokų. Lengva ir maloni atmosfera padeda žinias įsisavinti daug geriau ir greičiau. Jei reikėtų dar kartą rinktis, net nedvejodama rinkčiausi jūsų mokyklą. 🙂

Overall band: 6

Jūsų mokykloje vykstantys kalbų mokymo kursai buvo įdomūs, informatyvūs ir naudingi. Asmeniškai man norėjosi, kad kursų trukmė būtų truputį ilgesnė, šiek tiek daugiau “namų darbų” ir mažumėlę išsamesnis padarytų klaidų analizavimas.

Overall band: 6.5

Manau rezultatai neblogi, tokio pažymio man ir reikėjo 🙂 Noriu padėkoti visai „House of English“ komandai! Ačiū už visokeriopą pagalbą!

Overall band: 5

Kursai Jūsų mokykloje tikrai padėjo pasiruošti egzaminui. Kursai išmokė kaip reikia atlikti atskiras užduotis, prisiminti anksčiau išmoktus dalykus. Kadangi mano žinios nebuvo labai nuostabios, kai pradėjau mokntis pas Jūs, tai ir rezultatas nelabai įspūdingas. Kursus vedusi dėstytoja padėjo visokeriopai įsisavainti mokomają medžiagą.

Overall band: 7.5

Esu labai patenkinta mokymo kokybe, kursai labai patiko, daug ko išmokau, įgytos žinios labai padėjo egzamino metu. Ačiū! 🙂

Overall band: 7.5

Esu labai patenkinta House of English suteiktomis paslaugomis ir visa sukaupta akademine medžiaga. Už vis labiausiai norėčiau padėkoti puikiai dėstytojai , kuri kantriai ir kompetentingai, per tokį trumpą laiką, padėjo pasiruošti šio egzamino laikymui. Didelis ačiū.


Jūsų kursai man nei kiek nepadėjo tiesiog jaučiuosi išmetęs labai didelę sumą pinigų veltui ir dėl to man labai gaila. Šiuo metu esu Anglijoje, Londone ir mokausi pats Anglu kalbos.

Overall band: 6

Išlaikiau kaip tik tiek, kiek reikalauja mano universitetai 😉

Labai jums dėkoju už pagalbą besiruošiant ir tikrai esu patenkinta jūsų mokymo kokybe. Vargu ar būčiau pati pasiekus šitų rezultatų be jūsų pagalbos! Dar kartą jums didelis ačiū! 😉

Overall band: 7.5

Manau reikėtų daugiau praktikuotis kalbėti. Tik tiek.


Overall band: 7.0

Kursais esu labai patenkinta, mokytojas yra puikus specialistas ir, matosi, puiki asmenybė. Man patiko organizuotumas, tiek pačios mokyklos, tiek ir dėstytojo pamokų. Lengva ir maloni atmosfera padeda žinias įsisavinti daug geriau ir greičiau. Jei reikėtų dar kartą rinktis, net nedvejodama rinkčiausi jūsų mokyklą. 🙂

Overall band score: 7.0

Man labai patiko namu darbu tikrinimas ir aiskinimas klaidu, tai padeda susigaudyti ka darai netaip ir ties kuo reiketu padirbeti. jei to nebutu, manau tupeciau vietoje, kas nebutu labai smagu.

Bendrai snekant man labai patiko kaip buvo destoma medziaga, dar tureciau pamineti kad man patikti paprastai sudetinga, va jums gavosi:)

Ai dar ta smulkmena, del spausdinimo, man tai trumpino gyvenima, nes neturejau spausdintuvo, todel butu smagu jei butu sudarytos salygos tokiems kaip as, bet aisku jei tai per daug komplikuota, mano pvz parode kad imanoma ir be spausdintuvo namie. Tik tokiu atveju butu gerai gauti visus planuojamus skaitymus, kad nereiketu vaikscioti N kartu spausdinti kazkur po kelis lapus.

Na ir kaip jau minejau iseidamas is paskutine spaskaitos, galetumete padidinti savo matomuma, nes susirasti mokytoja tokia kaip jus yra sudetinga, o kliautis sekme ne visada yra tenkinantis pasirinkimas:)


Overall band score: 7.0

I am very happy now because i got 7.0 from my IELTS!!!! :))))



First of all, the course was great and I really enjoyed it, although it was pretty hart to get up at 9 AM, when I’m used to getting up at 12. Writing continuous essays helped me build some writing skill, which will, probably, help me in my literature classes the next school year. Thanks again, you have been a great teacher.

Overall band score: 6.0

Course was much more interesting than English lessons at my school. Your lessons was interesting that I learned a lot of new things and also helpful stuff to pass IELTS exam, meet new peoples. I really liked Yours real English accent. I always like to listen people who talk no matter which language very good (even if I do not understand that language).
My IELTS score with Your help, was overall 6 (Listening 7; Reading (most difficult task for me) 5.5; Writing 6 and Speaking 5.5).

Overall band score: 7.0

I would like to thank you for your patience and guidance. I enjoyed the course and it helped me to improve my English skills. I have never thought that English can be so interesting to learn so I want to thank you again for everything!!!
Well, i got used to IELTS homework and I was so bored without it :))
The IELTS test was easier than I expected 🙂 I did not have any difficulties in all tasks. My individual speaking topic was about the favourite street of my town so it was very easy for me and I was questioned about towns and big cities.

Overall band score: 6.0

The course was much more interesting than English lessons at school. My teacher was always dissatisfied with my English speaking skills. She always told me that my English pronunciation is very bad. Your lessons were interesting and I learned a lot of new things and some helpful stuff which helped me to pass the IELTS exam.

Overall band score: 6.0

I am really glad about my exam result because because I got more than I was required. I have to be thankful for you, because you are one of the best teachers I know. When I was going to the first lesson I could not imagine that it would be so great and useful. I liked your teaching method and how you were socializing with us. You were like our friend not just a teacher. So thank You one more time for a good time and great achievements.

Overall band score: 7.5

I must say that I truly enjoyed this course. I feel that it prepared me as much as it could for the exam and I feel a lot more confident now. One of the best things about it was the intense schedule and loads of homeworkJ. An unusual thing to thank for, but it really helped the students as it made us work tirelessly (myself included).Thank you personally for your devotion as a teacher.

Overall band score: 6.5

I really enjoyed the lessons even when they were quite difficult. You are a wonderful teacher and you did a great work to improve my English. Thank you very much for it. Frankly speaking, I didn’t expect such enormous workload. Now I really believe that I can pass the exam. Even if I don’t, I will try to do it in winter (Rome was not built in one day.) The course gave me an opportunity to revise grammar, learn all tricks about Ielts and meet nice people.

Overall band score: 6.5

Thank you for the good energy and a motivation during the lectures. I am more than happy about the lessons which I got and already missed the evenings with English classes.
I have no complaints about the IELTS course, it is a very structured and effective system to learn specific things in ashort time and your cooperation with students and practical advice really helped to do it.
Good luck with your new students! They are lucky to get you as a teacher 🙂

Overall band score: 7.5

Esu labai Jums dėkinga už suteiktą pagalbą ir kad paruošėt egzaminui. Kursai tikrai naudingi ir efektyvūs. Per du mėnesius išmokau labai daug ir net nesitikėjau, kad galiu taip patobulinti savo žinias per tokį trumpą laiką. Svarbiausia, kad mokytis su Jumis buvo lengva, nes iš tikrųjų esate labai maloni mokytoja, su kuria malonu dirbti. :)Didelis AČIŪ!


First of all, I should say that personally for me the IELTS course was a huge step forward. I know that I have a lot of knowledge gaps, but still I am feeling much more advanced than I used to be. Without IELTS homework my routine became quite empty, so (I cannot believe that I am saying this) I miss homework! During this course I have finally learnt to study productively study. It is a thing which I was not able to learn at school during 12 years. Actually, I can not remember any negative things from our lessons. The exercises were hard at the beginning, later they became easier to deal with. Also, the group was kind and sociable, so it was pleasant to work. The most important part of the course was You – Teacher. Rarely You can hear me saying a compliment, especially for a teacher, but I have never had a better English language teacher. I liked everything from simple conversation to honest and encouraging words.

Overall band score: 6.5

Patys kursai man labai patiko, ypatingai pagilinau anglų kalbos žinias, dabar jaučiuosi stipresnis šioje srityje.
Kas dėl IELTS – supratau testo prasmę ir esmę, manau, kad perpratau jį, kas būtų labai sunku be šių „House Of English“ kursų.
Jūs, mokytoja Jolanta, esate labai charizmatiška asmenybė, man patiko jūsų optimizmas bei nusiteikimas dirbti 🙂
Ateity būtinai rekomenduosių visiems šią kalbų mokyklą kaip geriausią Lietuvoje, nepriklausomai nuo to, kokius rezultatus gausiu, nes jaučiu, kad išmokėte mane visko būtiniausio, ko man gali prireikti. Širdingai dėkoju Jums ir visai kalbų mokyklai, už visą kartu praleistą laika.

Overall band score: 7.0

To begin with, I really enjoyed your teaching methods, everything was short but very presice. Secondly, I was extremely satisfied by the quantity and quality of information which you provided. Lastly, I just loved you as a teacher. You are the godess of all teachers. You were capable to balance work and short breaks. Thank you for everything.


I’m really happy and even proud to have been a part of these courses. I’m a person for whom seeing an actual result of progress is an absolute must or I simply feel no motivation to carry on whatever activity it is. But that was not the case. The most obvious example is my improved timing. At first I couldn’t cope with all those various readings in an 1 hour period, but now I have no problem with that. It appears that hard work does pay off. So in a way it was even more than just improving English knowledge.

Overall band score: 7.5

I should say that it was a pleasure to be your student. I appreciate for improving our skills and encouraging us to study as hard as we can. The lessons were interesting and I feel that not a single minute was wasted. If I had a chance, I would definitely choose this school and you to be my teacher.

Overall band score: 6.0

My impressions about the course are really great. Before the course I thought it might be boring, however it was interesting, enjoyable and very useful. I respect you as a teacher and a person. And you already know that I have a strict opinion about everything :). You inspired and “forced” me to study more and do my homework every time. So, I got more than I expected!

Overall band score: 7.0

I strongly believe, that the mood of the students and the atmosphere in the classroom depend on the teacher. At this point I should thank you, because no matter how awful the day was, after your class I was full of great emotions. Really! I do not know what you have in yourself, maybe you turn some magic, but ir works 🙂 Thank you for your patience, smiles, examples and advice. I cannot say any bad word abour the course. I have never thought I could miss learning English 😀 But I miss. A lot.


It was a pleasure for me to be your student although I had suffered agony from the difficult requirements of the IELTS course. But I was expecting it.

I want to thank you for your contemporary view, kindness and intelligence, which really inspired me not to stop.

I am happy to have finished these courses, but at the same time I feel slightly frustrated, since I will miss your funny stories and charismatic character, you really know how to deal with problems and inspire young people.

As one wise individual said, “There are teachers and Teachers.” And I’m not afraid to call you a Teacher.

Thank you and I wish you best luck in your further life and career.

Overall score: 6.5

Apskritai, manau, kad nesvarbu, koks bus pažymys, asmenybės ir žinių pokytis pasiektas per paskutinį mėnesį nepaprastas. Mano nuomonė apie Jūsų teikiamus kursus – nėra tokios sistemos, kad ją galima būtų įvertinti. Kursų ieškojau ilgai, nemaža tokių buvo, į kuriuos po pirmo užsiėmimo negrįždavau – būdavo gaila laiko, pinigų kurui ir kursams, eikvojamos niekams energijos. Jūsų kursai pilni informacijos, intensyvūs, koncentruoti, orientuoti į esmę. Nepaprastai mokant įkvėpti kovingumą parodant pirštu kad ne vieta ir ne laikas ( ne tos konkurencinės sąlygos) gailėti savęs. Kitų tokių mokymų tarp Vilniaus ir Kauno aš neradau. Ačiū.

Overall Score: 7.5

As for the course, I must say that I am so glad to have attended it. Years ago tried several courses, but none of them were so exciting and valuable. Today during the IELTS exam I had absolutely no difficulties in understanding the task, since we have analyzed and studied every aspect of possible tasks. I was really happy to discover that I felt prepared as well as extremely confident.
Regarding the structure of course, there is nothing I would change or do in a different way. To my mind, everything was perfect and my expectations were justified.
I would like to thank you for your sincerity and efforts in helping us to reach the perfection. There are no doubts that all of us will miss classes and that incredible atmosphere, which we were lucky to experience.

Overall score: 7.0

It seems that my dreams are coming true step by step, I thank you one more time for helping me.
It was a pleasure for me to be your student and in spite of the fact that suffered agony from the difficult requirements of this IELTS course. I was expecting it.
I want to thank you for your contemporary view, kindness and intelligence, which really inspired me not to stop.
I am happy about having finished the course, but at the same time I feel slightly frustrated, since I will miss your funny stories and charismatic character, you really know how to deal with problems and inspire young people.
One wise individual said, “There are teachers and Teachers.” And I’m not afraid to call you a Teacher. Thank you and I wish you best luck in your further life and career.

Overall score: 7.0

Visų pirma, tai norėčiau labai padėkoti jums kaip dėstytojai ir kaip žmogui. Manau, jums pavyko išlaikyti tinkamą santykį su studentais, tačiau nepraradote ir gyvo ryšio su žmogumi. Paskaitos netapo nuobodžios ir nenaudingos. Iš pradžių informacijos ir užduočių kiekis atrodo nenormaliai didelis ir net negalvoji apie galimybę įveikti visus namų darbus, bet po kelių paskaitų supranti, kad ne Jums, ne kitiems studentams reikia tų atliktų namų darbų… Tos užduotys yra man ir jeigu aš nusprendžiau laikyti IELTS testą ir kursus, tai čia tik aš turiu stengtis iš visų jėgų, o jau dėstytoja man tikrai padės. Dėkoju jums už kantrybę, norą padėti, kritišką vertinimą ir nuolatinį skatinimą siekti rezultatų.

Overall Score: 8.0

I’m extremely happy with my results and I managed to reach the goal I’ve set up for myself in the beginning of the courses. I wouldn’t have reached my goal without your help, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
The course met all of my expectation and even more. I must admit that when I registered for it, I did not expect such a fast pace, professionalism and strictness, which, I think, are all factors of wonderful course and, of course, the lecturer. I believe that after the courses I have significantly bigger chances of scoring 7.5-8 and that means that course was very effective (I did score 5.5 for both writings and 6.5 for reading and listening when I had test for the first time, so the progress can already be seen). I thank you again for all the wonderful knowledge you shared with me and promise to keep on studying.

Overall Score: 7.5

I have some good news! Thanks to You, my IELTS score was 7.5, even though I was prepared for the worse. I received 8.5 from listening, 7.5 from reading, 6.0 from writing (I didn not write enough words and the topic was horrible, it really was not the best essay of mine) and 7.0 from speaking (I was so nervous that I forgot such simple words as ”extracurricular activities, floor and many more… All in all, I couldn’t have expected a better score 🙂

Overall score: 8.0

The IELTS course I attended had obviously met my expectations.
First, the course was intensive indeed. Although the amount of work was really great, after a week or so I got used to it and felt comfortably during these 2 months.
During the course I had been provided with lots of useful material, such as reading tests, topic-specific vocabulary and etc., all of which was thoroughly worked through and proved to be very helpful. A high amount of homework, which should have been done in short time had also improved my time-management skills.
Teacher’s attitude to the subject was another positive point. If required, not only additional help and information were given, but also extra time was devoted. The lessons were well-structured and interactive, so all the matters were properly explained and discussed. Because of the constant concentration needed, there was no time to become bored and these two hours passed rapidly.
All in all, these studies have significantly improved some of the specific skills I needed and raised my general level of English. In the end, I felt much more confident in meeting the IELTS requirements and had not the slightest regret in attending the course.


Norėjau Jums labai padėkoti už kursus, kurių metu aš tikrai jaučiuosi patobulėjęs, tikrai labai džiaugiuosi, kad lankiau būtent pas jus.
Žinoma dar stengsiuos tobulėti, nes tikrai yra kur. 🙂

Overall Score: 6.5

Thank you for your effort to help us pass IELTS exam as best we can. I did succeed. Appreciate your input.

Overall Score: 7.5

Esu tikrai patenkintas 🙂 Dar karta dekoju uz paskaitas, be Jusu tokio rezultato nebuciau pasiekes.

Overall Score: 6.5

The courses were very beneficial for improving English language using skills,especially writing skills. Also, I learned many efficient text reading strategies.

Overall Score: 7.0

Today I received my IELTS results and I am quite happy. So, the band score is 7 (Listening 8, Reading 7,5 , Writing 6, Speaking 5.5 🙁 The topic of individual speaking task was culture, the only one which I skipped, when I revised all topics of speaking at home and unfortunately, I couldn’t speak a lot about it. Luckily, listening and reading saved me :). I am really grateful to You that this course gave me unforgettable experience and knowledge and I will definitely recommend to those who would like to improve their English skills. THANK YOU!

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